Saturday, February 27, 2016

CHLORINE: It'a a good thing! Plus, skincare tips..

We get many questions from new parents about our pool chemistry, chlorine, salt and of course the effects of pool chemicals on our skin. Since we have so many young bathers in our pools, these are excellent questions! Here are some important facts to know about pool chemistry:
  • Chlorine is required by law in all commercial swimming pools. "Saline" pools also use chlorine. 
  • Chlorine is used as a disinfectant to kill harmful bacteria and prevent illness.
  • Our public drinking and bathing water supply is treated with chlorine.
Wondering if the pool you are swimming in has too much or too little chlorine? Here are some helpful guidelines when assessing the pool chemistry in your pool:
  • If you cannot see the bottom of a pool or hot tub, do not enter.
  • If your eyes burn or you have any respiratory reaction (coughing, difficulty breathing) do no enter. 
  • If you smell chlorine, but none of the above issues apply, the water should be safe to enter.

After swimming, we recommend a warm shower. This helps open up the pores, allowing any residual chlorine to be washed away. We do not recommend the use of soap, nor do we recommend any scrubbing or exfoliating after swimming. Remember, chlorine is a is soap! You are basically adding more chemicals to chemicals. Using plain, warm water is best. Shampooing the hair is fine as hair will not break out in any rash or irritation.

After showering, we recommend applying an unscented, mild lotion and wearing loose fitted, breathable clothes.

In short, chlorine is a good keeps us healthy. But too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. For more information on why chlorine is good read our previous blog entry, WHY CHLORINE?

For more information on skin care, read our previous blog entry, SKINCARE.

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