Thursday, January 28, 2010

Home School

Well I just signed my 2 older kids, age 8 and 6 up for a writing class and speech class at a homeschool co-op. It is amazing how mainstream homeschooling is now!

Currently I am homeschooling my daughter 6, in 1st grade and my son 8, in 3rd grade. While my son started out in public school, we felt like homeschooling would work best for our family. It is nice knowing there are so many options out there. Private, Public, Charter, Homeschool. You know what is best for your children and choose their schooling career on your research. It starts when they are still in pre-school. The worry and decision making of where they should go to school when they are 5.

I used to be one of those moms that said, "Oh, bless those moms who homeschool, I could NEVER do that!"

Of course God just loves it when I say "never" and my husband and I felt called to homeschool. Wanting to spend more time with them while they are so young was the biggest pull. We adore our children and love being with them. So this works for us since my husband has a flexible job and I work part time at LPB.

I spent a good 9 months researching learning styles, my teaching style and curriculum. Boy is there a lot of curriculum! Thanks to the internet, everything is at your fingertips. In California, you can homeschool in 3 ways: Through a Charter or Independent Study Program at a private or public school, such as Ocean grove Charter School (which LPB is a now a vendor), hiring a teacher or tudor, or filing a private school affidavit considering yourself a private school. The latter is the least restricted with regard to rules (you choose any curriculum, you're responsible for attendance records). But the ease of homeschooling through an ISP or Charter can be both much cheaper and organized for those looking for the structure of having an overseer helping you.

After joining a local homeschool group, my eyes were opened to the many activities planned. Anything from field trips, testing, co-ops, teachers nights out, clubs, curriculum classifieds, speakers and even school pictures. Last Friday we went ice-skating with our homeschool group.

I write this post about homeschooling because many people are curious and are considering homeschooling but don't know where to start. I am here for any advice or questions. I can also share with you what avenue we took to this point, what curriculum we use or just trick of the trade.

Whatever you decide to do with the schooling of your kids, make sure it is right in your heart. I went to both public and private schools and felt prepared for the real working world. But what goes on in the home, your parenting and marriage, are what influence your children the most! At least until they are teenagers...but I'm not there yet:) I would have loved to have been home schooled.

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